Overwatch 2 Season 6: New Maps and Characters

One of the most exciting details in the latest Overwatch 2 trailer is the reveal of the game's newest support hero, Hilari. In the trailer, players get a glimpse of Ilari's abilities, but Blizzard hasn't provided specific information on what she can do. The trailer also gave fans a peek at the new Flashpoint map coming on August 10, as well as some of the skins that can be unlocked in the new Season 6 Battle Pass.

The accompanying roadmap reveals plans for Overwatch 2's sixth season following the August 10 "Invasion" update. Beginning August 10th, players can look forward to a new limited-time event called "The Underworld," which will be updated weekly between August 10th and September 5th. The first iteration of the mode will take place on the popular Kings Row map. Then on September 5th, Overwatch 2 players can look forward to Hero Mastery Quests, which offer hero-specific challenges to help players better learn how to play as the game's various characters.
That's not all there is to Season 6 of Overwatch 2. The anniversary event kicks off on September 19th with three weeks of limited-time game modes and cosmetics. The first week will see the return of the "Battle for Olympus" event, and the second week will bring the return of the "Star Wars" event. Finally, Week 3 will see the return of Overwatch 2’s item hunt mode – Mischief and Sorcery.
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