EasySMX X15 RGB Controller Unboxing & Reivew videos

It's been some days since the X15 was launched and our X15 controler has been loved by many gamers all over the world. We've got some X15 unboxing & review videos from YouTube to share here.
Get X15: https://bit.ly/4cfeNA3
12% Off Dsicount Code Special for You: GETX15
EasySMX X15 Starfield Wireless Controller | Premium Accessories Unboxing
YouTuber: IGS - Impact Game Station
"Here oh here we go lights up. Nice! Oh, that's beautiful. Look at the side well absolutely gorgeous. I think it is my favorite controller and I haven't even used it"
Is This The Best Budget PC Controller? - EasySMX X15
YouTuber: The Ferrari Guy
From: Ireland
"The feel and weigh of the controller impressed me. This is surprising as it is lighter than the average Xbox. One controller, which required batteries. It was also made of impressive high quality materials and the glossy buttons and analog sticks are a fabulous touch that compliment the matte exterior very well."
X15 By EasySMX Unboxing and Review
YouTuber: Game Trek
From: USA
"I said it is Starfield theme so it's got all these like little like lines kind of like circuit boards. I'm not really sure what it is. It is really got a good textured grip just like an Xobx controller smooth finish on this side. The trigger buttons and the shoulder buttons are aligned pretty good."
From: France
"fait tu le ressens tu le ressens vraiment et franchement reaarde auand tu grip derrière comme je vous avais expliqué qui est super rugueux donc qui donne une prise en main très cool cool voilà
et et ensuite lepetit le les petits qui vont super bienmat ça"
The EasySMX X15 is a Mean Gamepad-Controller Review
YouTuber: Gamer Heaven
From: USA
"There is a little bit of aggressive stippling back here more so than a standard Xbox controller oh yeah scrapey and since these two rear buttons are sunk flush with the rear shell they don't cut negativey into comfort at all"
RGB Makes You Play Better! ~ EasySMX X15 Review
YouTuber: SepticFalcon
From: UK
"as for what hall effect is hall effect is a non-con magnetic sensor there is no physical damage to the joystick and triggers with a more cost-effective price and can extend the life of the controller by two to four times"
EasySMX X15 Wireless Controller with RGB Lighting - Review and test
YouTuber: TKsTechCorner
From: UK
"uh immediate impression on feel touch and feel is really nice whatever they've done here it's just super smooth it's got a really realy really soft smooth finish to it um and soon as I took it out it just felt nice"
YouTuber: DJ Tekromancer
From: US
“X15 it is a good uh entrylevel stick. This is the new budget king you can tell where they made some compromises mainly the holif effect sticks they are holif effect”
Novo controle EasySmx X15 rgb com Hall Effect
YouTuber: Mads - Consumidor Pobre
From: Brazil
"tem muito não tem muito tem muitos efeitos não que já é bem bonito já né que vai trocando já bem bem bacana agora"
Get X15: https://bit.ly/4cfeNA3
12% Off Dsicount Code Special for You: GETX15
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