Best Fortnite controller settings & In-game Review: Sensitivity, Dead Zone and Binds

If you are playing Fortnite, then having a correct setting of controller is necessary if you intend to grab victory. So here’s the setting tutorial video tells you how to set your controller. (In this video, Ares Takeoff uses EasySMX 9124 controller)
Sensitivity Setting Steps:
Look Sensitivity: 4 (Normal)
Aim Sensitivity: 4 (Normal)
Build Mode Sensitivity Multiplier: 1.9x
Edit Mode Sensitivity Multiplier: 1.9x
Use Advanced Options: On
Advanced - Look Sensitivity
Look Horizontal Speed: 41%
Look Vertical Speed: 41%
Turning Horizontal Boost: 0%
Turning Vertical Boost: 0%
Turning Boost Ramp Time: 0%
Instant Boost When Building: Off
Advanced – Aim Down Sights (ADS) Sensitivity
ADS Look Horizontal Speed: 10%
ADS Look Vertical Speed: 10%
ADS Turning Horizontal Boost: 0%
ADS Turning Vertical Boost: 0%
ADS Turning Boost Ramp Time: 0.20 Seconds
Advanced – Sensitivity
Look Dampening Time: 0.00 seconds
Look Input Curve: Linear
Aim Assist Strength: 100%
Deadzone settings
Deadzone is all dependent on your controller and your own experience.
Left Stick Deadzone: 15% (then increase as required)
Right Stick Deadzone: 5% (then increase as required)
Best Binds of 9124 Controller:
Let’s have a try on these new settings on your Fortnite gaming!
Get 9124 here:
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